What is IOPT?

IOPT – Identity Oriented Psychotrauma Therapy, is based on theories and practice developed by Prof. Franz Ruppert over the past 30 years.

IOPT is working with trauma. Trauma is a situation in which we feel completely helpless, overwhelmed and believe that we may die. High stress fight or flight options are no longer available, instead we freeze and fragment. The memory of the trauma becomes unconscious, and we store the separated emotions in our cells.

Everything we need is stored in our body and psyche and shows up in the IOPT session when we need it.prof. Franz Ruppert

The intention method

The Intention Method involves formulating an intention, which can take the form of a sentence, question, statement, or even a drawing that includes what the person expects from his / her search.

What the intention looks like and what topic it is about depends entirely on the client. The facilitator must not interfere at all in the formulation of this sentence.

After writing down the intent, that person selects someone from the group (or subject if it is a one-on-one private session) to represent each word in the sentence. The elected representatives interact with the word they represent, sharing their experience as best they can with the person doing their own work.

The resonance process provides access to our unconscious. In this way, each word provides the person with some information about their intention, and the information gathered can be very revealing when it comes to dynamics and issues related to the intention.

What is IOPT?

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